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Bay Area Termite & Pest Control Services

Professional, Affordable, Effective

Finding out that unwanted guests have infested your home can be a frustrating and potentially overwhelming ordeal. At MightyMite Termite, our experts are here to help. We know that every home and infestation is unique, and with over a decade of experience, we are well-equipped to handle any situation that arises. Whether it be Drywood Termites, Subterranean Termites, Wood Boring Beetles, or fungus combined with dry-rot, our experienced San Jose Bay Area exterminators can help. Our services include:


Professional termite control process in Bay Area, CA
Termite Control
Inspector checking for termites in Bay Area, CA
Termite Inspection
Drywood Termite Treatment in Bay Area, CA
Pest Control

Termite Control

Termite infestations are not uncommon or unusual in the state of California. If you have termites, or you are worried you may have termites, it is vital that you reach out to our experienced technicians immediately. The longer that you wait to have your property inspected, the greater the potential termite damage to your property, thus we recommend that you reach out to our offices as soon as you even suspect that you might have termites.

Inspections for termite infestations run between one and three hours. Depending on the circumstance, treatment for termites can be scheduled to be taken care of in as little as a single day –with no need to remove yourself or your family. Additionally, our team at MightyMite Termite is proud to offer you a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and a two-year warranty on all termite work.

Residential and Commercial Properties

We are dedicated to working with you to solve your termite problem no matter your property type. Residential properties we serve include single-family homes, apartment communities, homeowner associations (HOA), duplexes, and more. Commercial properties we regularly work with include businesses, food service locations, hotels, manufacturing sites, industrial buildings, and property managers.

Contact Mightymite Termite Services Today for a Free Termite Inspection!