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We Will Ensure Your Home is Termite-Free

Home protection entails much more than locks on your doors. You also must be wary of wood destroying organisms such as termites. MightyMite Termite is here to help homeowners in San Benito County, CA identify and eradicate any termites from their property. We have been serving the region for nearly a decade, and our exterminators are proficient in a wide range of termite services. Termites do much of their damage incognito. Until their colonies grow to a significant size of little destroyers, you may not know they are gnawing away at your support structures. They enter your home through its foundation or walls and feast on support beams, joists, and other wooden features. But our specialists are trained to recognize entry points and find termite colonies in your residential or commercial property. Call us today to learn more about how we can eliminate them.

Our Comprehensive Termite Services

Termites feed on detritus and organic materials. While that is ideal for the natural ecosystem in San Benito County, CA, you never want them to gain access to your home. Termites cause approximately $5 billion worth of property damages in the U.S. each year. Though you may maintain your lawn and feel safe, termites could sneak past you and wreak havoc on your home. But our experts can help. We provide comprehensive termite services to protect you. They include:

  • Termite Inspection – Our team performs free termite inspections in San Benito County, CA. You should take advantage of this offering at least once every four to six years, but please call us in the meantime if you notice discarded wings or damaged wood.
  • Termite Control – We use termite control products such as Orange Oil, Termidor, and other leading solutions. Our treatments also include whole-structure fumigation.
  • Commercial Termite Services – Our termite control services are not limited to residential properties. We also service office complexes, retail properties, and other businesses.
  • Residential Termite Services – Community associations throughout San Benito County, CA rely on our exceptional residential termite services.
  • Multi-Unit Residential Termite Services – Housing complexes are just as susceptible to termite damage as individual homes, so call us for multi-unit residential termite services today.

Areas We Serve in San Benito County, CA

Nestled in the Coast Range Mountains, San Benito County, CA offers beautiful scenery and great places to live and work. MightyMite Termite is proud to provide our termite services expertise to residential and commercial property owners throughout the region. Our service areas in San Benito County, CA include:

  • Aromas
  • Hollister
  • San Juan Bautista

Contact MightyMite Termite Today

When you need to protect your home from the wrath of termites, there is no better termite inspection company to call than MightyMite Termite. We serve areas throughout Northern California, including San Benito County. Our professionals will identify any termite colonies in your commercial or residential property and immediately devise a plan to exterminate them. Contact us today for a free inspection.

Contact Mightymite Termite Services Today for a Free Termite Inspection!