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Termite infestations can go unnoticed for months, even years, causing costly damage to your property before you realize a problem exists. For business owners and property managers in the Bay Area, understanding the signs of termite damage helps protect your investment. Left unattended, these destructive pests can compromise the structural integrity of your building and result in expensive repairs.

Learn how to identify the key signs that indicate you need professional termite control services and how to choose the right company for the job.

Signs You Need Termite Control Services

  1. Droppings

Drywood termites often leave behind droppings—known as “frass”—that resemble small wood-colored pellets. If you notice piles of these droppings near windows, baseboards, or other wooden structures, it’s a clear sign of termite activity. Unlike other insects, termite droppings are small, uniform in size, and granular in texture, making them easy to identify.

  1. Strange Sounds

Have you heard faint clicking or rustling noises coming from your walls or ceilings? That could be termites. Termites are known for their loud feeding habits as they chew through wood, and their activity can often be heard with a quiet environment. Additionally, soldier termites may bang their heads against tunnel walls to signal danger to the colony, creating a peculiar, rhythmic tapping sound.

  1. Damaged Property

The most alarming evidence of a termite infestation is visible damage to wooden structures. Early signs of termite damage include warped or sagging wood, hollow-sounding panels, or unexplained cracks in walls or ceilings. You might also notice blistered paint on wooden surfaces, which occurs when termites are tunneling just below the surface.

  1. Nesting Evidence

Subterranean termites build mud tubes to connect their colonies to food sources. These tunnels are made of dirt, saliva, and wood particles, and they can often be seen running along walls, foundations, or under floors. These tubes help the termites retain the moisture they need to survive, making them a telltale sign of an active infestation.

  1. Signs of Termite Damage in Wood

If you suspect your property might be at risk, inspect wooden areas for small holes, grooves, or tunnels. Termites create maze-like patterns within wood as they consume cellulose, the material they feed on. This internal damage can make structures unstable while remaining hidden from plain sight.

  1. Pets Behavior

Although termites primarily target wood, conflicting behavior in pets can sometimes signal an ongoing termite infestation. Dogs and cats may scratch repeatedly at baseboards or other wooden surfaces where they sense an unusual odor or movement caused by termite activity.

Choosing the Most Effective Termite Control Company

Once you’ve identified the signs of termites, the next step is to contact a professional termite control service. Here’s what to look for when choosing the right provider for your property:

Look for Expertise

Partner with a company specializing in termite control, not general pest management. MightyMite Termite is a trusted name in the Bay Area for expertly handling termite infestations. With years of industry experience, our team provides effective treatment plans and preventative solutions designed to protect your property for years to come.

Assess Treatment Options

Opt for a company that uses treatments designed to your property’s specific needs. MightyMite Termite offers a variety of techniques, including naturally derived and environmentally low-impact solutions, delivering safety and improved performance.

Check for Licensing and Warranties

Make sure the company is licensed and insured for termite treatments within the Bay Area. MightyMite Termite offers unmatched warranties on our services, giving you peace of mind that your property will remain protected.

Read Reviews and Testimonials

Customer feedback can be a valuable resource when determining a company’s reliability. MightyMite Termite has earned a reputation for high-quality service and attention to detail. Positive testimonials highlight our commitment to exceptional results and customer satisfaction.

Get a Free Inspection

Many termite control professionals, including MightyMite Termite, offer single-family residences free inspections at your convenience. We offer this free-of-charge service to help keep your costs down and avoid any unnecessary charges while obtaining a termite-free property. Take advantage of this to receive an accurate diagnosis of your termite problem and a customized treatment plan.

Safeguard Your Property with MightyMite Termite

Don’t wait until the damage becomes irreversible. If you’ve noticed any of these telltale signs, it’s time to consult a professional. MightyMite Termite specializes in identifying and eliminating termite infestations, using effective and customized solutions to protect your property. Contact MightyMite Termite today at (408) 377-3761 to support the safety and longevity of your property.